knee deep …

March 23, 2010

hi all!

i am up to my elbows in stuff…
boxes and boxes.
it’s terribly overwhelming.

i went through my kids closet, emptying bags and bags of clothes they don’t fit.
it’s crazy how many clothes kids can acquire and go through when they grow out of them so fast.

i also tackled my closet. i have a ton of stuff to get rid of!

now, i am going through boxes and boxes of stuff that was in our basement.
i’m discovering all sorts of things i forgot i had.
i found a box of my christmas decorations i was missing.
i found a lot of other things i need to get rid of.
i feel like the more i’m trying to organize, the more messy my house is from pulling everything out.
i think i’m going to have to have a garage sale…

and, did i tell you i spent almost all of saturday putting up the wallpaper in my studio?
it’s amazing!
… but, i’m still not done. 1 1/2 strips to go! wallpapering is tough..
don’t worry.. i’ve been taking pictures along the way.
i’ll post them soon!

’til then.

p.s. do you have the spring cleaning bug too?

{photos via real simple}

16 thoughts on “knee deep …

  1. Steph

    Yes, I'm right there with you. I've had six big garbage bags of stuff sitting on my porch, just waiting for me to take them to DI. I finally dropped them off this weekend and it felt so good!

  2. nicole me oh my!

    this is whats going on in my house too! i so have the spring cleaning bug …

    please share any and all tips on wallpapering with your studio post! i am thinking of trying out the same thing, but i never have wallpapered. thanks!

  3. robyn

    whew, you've accomplished a lot! our spring cleaning will start in earnest next week, as we're out of town this weekend – our big plan is to renovate one of the rooms in our home, and turn it into a guest bedroom!

  4. The Maltese Kat

    I totally have the cleaning bug too and also seem to make a mess when I clean. My husband calls me "Master Disaster" whenever I start spring cleaning. It always ends up looking nice afterwards, but the road leading up to that is not good. Believe me.

  5. perfectly paisley

    I had the spring cleaning bug last week! This week it is the mess-up everything you did bug! :o)

  6. Anonymous

    Oh I have the bug. I am trying to do a little every day. Last night I screwed in a fetching little broom holder onto my laundry room wall. The broom and duster and the swiffer are no longer on the floor, hooray!


  7. ampersandity

    that sounds refreshing!! don't worry… it seems messier now, but when you're done, you'll feel lighter.

    no spring cleaning for us yet, but we're moving in a couple months, so it'll be a good time to go through all our junk!

  8. Martha

    Ha ha I always feel the same way about organizing! I had a question not related to this post; may I ask where you order your beads, stones and other jewelry supplies from? I'm wanting to make my sisters some earrings for my summer wedding and there are very limited resources in Logan…like zero!

  9. Shelly Bean

    i have been so in the mood for this… but slowly doing it. i need to just go for it!
    we did 2 soel swaps last summer and i made $400 or so at each one selling my old clothes. it was awesome.
    so you should save your clothes and participate when we do one in the beg. of may. everyone is in charge of their own stuff and can sell it for whatever price you want and you take home all the cash. we just do it out on the sidewalk. it's been really fun so far! or maybe you can make as much at a garage sale? i don't know. something to keep in mind 🙂

  10. {jane}

    i always have the spring cleaning bug, i kinda wish it only came in springtime so i wasn't always organizing! but, i'm going to also post some of my timeless ideas soon…they're good & VERY affordable!

  11. Pixie

    hahaha…that's the worst part of cleaning the closet! I have a tiny apartment and when I pull everything out to organize there's no place to put it but on the bed, the floor and the one chair. Then I get discouraged because I've made such a mess. But eventually it all gets right. Good luck! And I can't wait to see pics of the wallpaper. Ohhh.

  12. Anonymous

    Spring cleanining Ahhhh! We moved 7 months ago and we haven't even finished unpacking well with three kids…..hmmm? I get alot of sympathy! but you are inspiring thanks a bunch! I am just so so jealous of all those shoppers that will be getting all your great stuff when you have your garage sale! 🙁 can't wait to see the pics!

  13. D@nielle

    oh i know that feeling, it's getting much worse in my house and it doesn't at all look better. Oh well maybe by the end of spring it will all be done ….


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