Tag Archives: hellobee

diy snow stencils …

December 14, 2012

We have had a few early snow storms around these parts, and my children have loved every minute of wandering outside in the white stuff!  We decided to try out another fun activity, other than making a snowman, so we made some stencils for the snow!

We grabbed a few supplies from around the house, and got to work.

Head on over to my post over on Hellobee for the full tutorial, step-by-step instructions, and free downloads for the stencils!

(all photos by me, Caroline Armelle Drake)

diy artwork gift tags …

December 13, 2012

My children and I worked on some fun gift tags to personalize the gifts they are giving to their loved ones this holiday season.

It was fun to incorporate their artwork into the gift!

You only need a few things to make the gift tags!

For my full, step-by-step tutorial, head on over to my post on Hellobee!
{all photos by me, Caroline Armelle Drake}

DIY “Turkey” snack …

November 8, 2012

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and during snack time the other day, I decided to surprise my kiddos with a “turkey” for a snack.  They loved it, and thought it was so fun to “eat” the turkey!

It only takes a few ingredients to put together a “turkey” snack, and the impact on your kids will be huge!  It is a good reminder that kids really don’t need a lot to make them happy.  Maybe a little effort and imagination, and snack time can be a magical time!
Be sure to head on over to my full step by step tutorial on how to make these little turkey’s over on the HelloBee blog!
{all photos by me, Caroline Armelle Drake}
*if you are looking for original posts, and would like me to contribute to your site, please send me an email at carolinearmelle@gmail.com for my rates