So… my husband and I have been a little obsessed with the Office lately… or as we like to call it the Orfice.
My sister let us borrow Season 2 and we pretty much watched the whole thing last week.. which lead us to immediately scour the streets for an Office fix at 11:00 pm on Saturday night looking for Season 1 to buy. We went to two different Wal-Marts and nothing… but, SUCCESS on Monday at K-mart!!! But… now that we’ve already gone through Season 1 in one day… we’re at our low again until Season 3 comes out on DVD… sigh…
“QUESTION” (Dwight style)…. “Does anyone know when Season 3 is coming to DVD?”
We {{{LOVE}}} this show! We got into it right as season three was starting so one weekend we went and rented seasons 1 and 2 and watched them in 2 days! Such an awesome show. Not sure when 3 comes out..
Greetings and thanks SO much for submitting your WONDERFUL blog to Delightfulblogs. I’m adding it now to the directory.
All the best,
Lynda Keeler
P.S. I too am a huge fan of the show and just discovered it during season 3. So we are planning to have marathon screenings this summer of Season 1 and 2!
I too just discovered the Office and can’t wait for Season 3.