:: google text. i love google text. i use it all the time on the road when i need to find an address or phone number to a location i’m seeking. the best this is that it is FREE. google SMS is a handy way to, say, get a listing for a nearby restaurant, find the definition of a word, or look up the price of a product, an area code or zip code. You can even use google SMS to calculate a tip. If your phone is enabled for text messages, just send your text to this 5-digit US shortcode: 46645 (GOOGL on most phones). your query results are sent as text messages, not links. learn more about using Google SMS on the help page or by sending a text message with the word ‘help’ to 46645. –trust me you’ll be texting google all the time now– ::
:: 1-800-GOOG-411 is a free phone directory service that will connect you to the business once you’ve done a voice activated search for it [it’s basically like 411 but you don’t have to pay for it] ::
:: on google maps, if you’re looking for driving directions and you’re not happy with the route you get, you can easily move the line by just dragging any point on the line to a new street to try out new routes ::
:: you can download Google talk (along with Gmail obviously) onto your blackberry and thus always be online…some people don’t actually want this, but it can be nice.
[thanks john!]
Great tips!
I couldn’t survive without Google Text. I use it ALL the time and seriously consider it my lifesaver.
Sorry for spamming, but I really like your writings and wanted to ask you if we could exchange links? Please write me a comment in my blog (my everyday glamour) then I know that’s okay for you 😉
Hope you’re okay,
Chililady from Austria
so, ok, thanks very much? you won’t link me back? thats ok.