i was just going through my pictures from the holidays, and i came across this one of my children in their christmas jammies on christmas eve.oh, to be a kid again!
magical …
January 19, 2010
labeled : Armelle | 7 COMMENTS
January 19, 2010
i was just going through my pictures from the holidays, and i came across this one of my children in their christmas jammies on christmas eve.oh, to be a kid again!
i love this!
so adorable! that one's going to be a treasured keepsake for sure!
great picture! so cute ~
That photo is precious! Just lovely.
Oh to be a kid again is RIGHT! Ah i miss those days.
that is so sweet!
Wow. Magical indeed. And I can't believe how well Little N sits up. Was/is she early at that or is it just me?