I have fallen in love with your blog. The Wallpaper in your office drew me in. I have been checking back frequently to catch the additional post about the final "after" look but have been left wanting! I would love additional info. on where you found the bird wallpaper. You are talented and lovely. Thanks for blogging!
It is great packaging!
Really lovely. I would definitely buy their stuff based on the packaging alone!
I have fallen in love with your blog. The Wallpaper in your office drew me in. I have been checking back frequently to catch the additional post about the final "after" look but have been left wanting! I would love additional info. on where you found the bird wallpaper. You are talented and lovely. Thanks for blogging!
(I agree with Anonymous totally!)
And yes their packaging is gorgeous and I would keep it to reuse it as well! 🙂 x
I just made a batch of lemon curd last weekend–wish I had a cute little jar like this to put it in! Simple labels like this are my favorite~