last week i was invited to attend a rhodes blogger demo at the rhodes bake n’ serve headquarters.i had a great time, mingling with fellow bloggers, talking with old friends, and meeting new ones.deborah (she also does the zupas blog with me), heather, me, and susanwe were able to sit down and watch a demo on how to use rhodes freezer dough products.i loved watching them make the kaiser rolls. i was impressed at how easy you can whip up these fancy looking rolls in no was good for me to see a few demos, since as i love to cook, baking, especially breads is not my strong point. so, it was nice to see an alternative to making it all from scratch.the best part of the night was getting to sample a lot of the recipes you can make with rhodes favorite was the bacon cheese nibbles, and the butterscotch bubble loaf (pictured above).oh, and the cinnamon rolls weren’t too shabby either.they also sent us home with a ton of goodies, product, a cookbook, and an apron!a big thanks to rhodes and dianna for the invite! {all pictures by dianna of whatever dee dee wants}
rhodes blogger demo …
September 23, 2010
labeled : Armelle | 2 COMMENTS
Looks fun! I make those butterscotch rolls ever year for general conference!! so good 🙂
It was so much fun meeting you!