so, i have been on the hunt for a perfect pair of brown boots for years. i exaggerate not. it’s been years. i’ve been wanting this cognac brown color to be exact.
i came across these steve madden inka boots at macy’s while i was in denver last month, and i was sold. they aren’t the exact perfect pair i’d been looking for all this time, but are pretty darn close. and, the price isn’t bad either.
so, do you love to wear boots when it’s cold too?
I love to wear boots! I've been in the hunt for some great (not too high of heel) black boots.
I just bought these and they are awesome… so cute and VERY comfortable!
yes these are the exact ones i want! the cognac is so pretty. i've heard they are very comfortable, too.
I adore to wear boots when it's cold and when it's not so cold. I love them!!
boots are all i wear these days. i finally splurged and bought a pair of frye boots. i swear i'll be buried in them, that's the only way i could justify the price!