pinterest is the latest phenomenon, and i am a total convert!
i tried to avoid it, but it really is too much fun!
so visual, and so many pretty, pretty things.
basically, if you see a pretty image, you can “pin it” to your boards, and have it all organized into sections.
it’s a great place to keep track of all your pretties.
do you pin? leave me your pinterest link in the comments and i’ll follow you.
click here to see my pins and follow me!
new to pinterest? it’s still invite only. let me know if you need an invite, and i’ll hook you up! (leave your email in your comment)
I pin! I share your addiction- so fun!!
I love pinterest, too! and kind of hate it too! ha ha. it's so addicting π you can follow me @ Candace Little
yup! my screen name is hannajane
I love pinterest! I've even pinned some of your prettiness!
username {kcatsnairplanes}
i LOVE it! SO addicting i could look alll day!
SO addictive!
i have to limit my pinterest time other wise i could waist my whole day. you can follow me @salty_pineapple
Need an invite please…this site is awesome!
Please invite me!!! I've wanted to do this forever, I love looking at everybody's inspiration boards. So fun π
I'd love an invite ! I love your blog!
Oops – my email is rebeccawilber at yahoo dot com
I just started on Pinterest, and I love it. My name is skbrunette.
I do it as well. I always forget to pin things sometimes but I am hoping to do some more!
I am ppkart.
I would love an invite! I'm currently on the waiting list with the site. I'd love to see your pins too!
SO addicting.
I [heart] pinterest. I posted a pic from your airplane party and it's been "repinned" a few times. π
My username is: beantown7
Lol, I also "pinned" a pic from your airplane party a few days ago. The repurposed Frappuccino bottles were possibly my favorite part!
My username is: elisabethparker
OH PLEASE invite me! : D
Yes I pin! And I love the organization of it!! Feel free to follow me, I'll be adding you to my list!
I'd love to try. It sounds great. Could I get an invite?
love your boards! and i definitely tried to avoid the pinning too… it didn't work.
I pin, and I'm already following you. You can find me as jdavissquared or Jennifer Davis….i think!
i heart pinterest.
I so love Pinterest and would love an invite!
I've been pinteresting it up for months, it's so valuable for project planning. I've also been able to pin all the recipes I want to try and browse through the photos when I'm thinking about dinner.
I'm not even on Pinterest yet and I still can't get away from it! Your pins are so fun!
If you still have an extra invite, I'd love one!
I'm over here:
Would love to follow you! I'm a pinterest addict, but I find it helps my creativity rather than smothering it, so I think I'm keeping this habit!
I have been checkin it out lately..amazing… on the waiting list now.. an invite would be lovely…
Oh, I'd love an invite! π
I would love an invite
I DO pin and I'm an addict. It's like a drug.
I love it though!!!
my pins if you'd like
love your blog. been waiting forever for an invite, yes please
anniewheat at gmail dot com
I need an invite! π
hook me up!!!!
thanks! π
I would love to pinterest. Seems like so much fun!
Please invite me if you can.
Thank you!
Invited me? Please!? I love your blog! I'm from Brazil!!!!! My email is
oh yeah, i'm totally addicted to the pin…
Would love an invite. Do you have to belong to facebook to join?
I'd love an invite!
maryalicemitch at gmail dot com
Thanks! π
I'm fairly new to Pinterest, but I love it! find me @ Mama_Bird
Off to follow you!
Ohhh, please invite me! I follow your blog (I don't comment very much but esp love the foodie posts) and would love to pin and follow your pins.
nbarbier at yahoo dot com
I would lovvvve an invite π I was just talking about this the other day.
my email is
l.flores at live dot com
I'm a recent convert, camillebethany
By the way, I was referred to your blog, via my friend, your cousin Thi-Ahn!
I'm dying to get an invite!!!
Breannay {at} gmail {com}
Thanks so much!!
definitely! excited to follow you!
I pin! π
I just blogged about joining pinterest and facebook in the same week and I am in overload!
Would love for you to follow my blog and pintersts.. I follow both of yours π and love and have your jewlery as well π
Oooh-I need an invite. Loved your in-flight party!
Thank you
I need an invite, I've been wanting to start pinning for a while.
i would live to have an invite…
Love your airplane party!
I'd love an invite!
My email is
I've had a pinterest account since last summer but have just gotten into it hardcore. So fun!
Could you send me an invite? I've been wanting to do it! bonnieDOTdoniganATgmailDOTcom. You are the best!!
thanks for sharing all of your creative ideas! i would love an invite to pinterest.
I'd love one pleeeeeease.
can you please "pin" invite me?
I'm a brand new follower of yours, love your site! I also pin π
How fun I will loved to be invited~