Tag Archives: my kiddos

diy: polka dot bag

August 27, 2012

My cute little three year old Norah is headed back to pre-school this fall, and we were on the look-out for a cute little backpack for her to bring to class.  We looked all over, and all we could find were princess backpacks, and the like.  I was hoping for something a bit more simple for her, with some good design.

So, we came across a darling plain denim backpack at Hobby Lobby, and I knew it would be perfect after we spruced it up with a few easy polka dots using fabric paint!

The process was very easy, and in no time, we had a darling little backpack for her to wear on her first day of pre-school!  I’m loving the denim and polka dot trends right now, and combined! Well, how cute is that?

You can try your hand at dressing up a simple bag, with my full tutorial I am sharing over on hellobee.

Now, I for one, can’t believe it’s already back to school time?!  It’s killing me!  But, we’ll still be sure to soak up the last bits of summer over here!  I hope yours has been fabulous!

{all photos by Caroline Armelle Drake}

first day of school printable sign …

August 15, 2012

Back to School is just around the corner, and I can’t believe that my oldest will be staring Kindergarten this year?! It is unbelievable how fast time flies, and I know that before I know it, he will be entering high school!  One day, I will look back on his first day of school pictures, and wonder where my baby had gone?
I thought it would be fun to document his first day of school with a fun little sign, that gives the details of what grade he is in, who his teacher is, and the date of his first day.  That way in years to come, it will be easy to remember what he looked like on the first day of school for each grade!

You can document your little ones big first day too!

All you need to do is download the first day of school printable pdf, and print* it onto paper. (preferably onto card stock, so it is sturdier)
*be sure to select the landscape printer option before hitting the print button. please let me know if you have any troubles downloading the pdf file.

Write in your child’s grade, name of their teacher, and the date of their first day of school for the year.

Have your child hold up the sign on their first day of school, and snap away!

You can take the pictures on your front porch on your way out the door, or bring them to their school before it starts and take their picture there.  
Don’t be afraid to bring some fun props like books to stand on, their lunch box, backpack, or an apple for the teacher!

{all images by Caroline Armelle Drake}

*PDF download is for personal use only. Copyright 2012 Caroline Drake.

catch up …

March 29, 2012

we had an amazing time in san diego!  can you believe this view?  i took this picture with my phone on one of our last days in san diego.  breathtaking!
this week has been a big catch up week.  catch up on laundry, work, cleaning, and everything else that comes with a post vacation hang over. 
my little thomas turned one this week!  
i can’t even tell you how fast this last year has gone?  it makes me so sad that he is getting so big?! what?
wish i could freeze time!  i think every mom goes through a little mourning period when their babies turn one.  right?  
all i know is he is such a little sweet heart!
i am gearing up for his first birthday party next week!  so, i’ll be sure to start sharing some goodies as i get things together for his party!
thanks for reading!  we’ll talk soon!