i had so much fun at alt last week, and i am hoping to have a full report later today or tomorrow.
i just wanted to share a fun design pairing of some of my armelle jewelry and pretty interiors by amanda of re-cycled consign and design {if you are ever in cedar city, utah, be sure to check it the store in person} i got to meet amanda at alt this past week, and she is just an example of the amazing people i met there.
here are a few of the armelle jewelry pieces she posted with pretty interiors. check out the rest here.
how fun is that? i love seeing my jewelry in a new way with these interiors.
long amour necklace
lucky you necklace
leona earrings
I love the pairing on the bottom right.
PS – I am posting an outfit inspired by what you were wearing on Thursday at Alt, hope you don't mind!