Hello! Hello!
Memorial day has passed, summer is officially here, and it is one of my favorite times of the year! I am so excited to share with you to a new weekly feature on my blog! Introducing…….. the Friday Replay!
This is where I’ll share with you weekly happenings going on around here (the kids are out of school, and I may go crazy…. ), my latest obsessions (guys, I am no longer a Lululemon virgin!), places I have been (taxi driver from lesson to lesson to lesson), what I’m excited about (almost time for Europe!), my favorite new books (chick lit or bust), latest beauty finds (do the words vampire facial scare you…?), what I’m watching on Netflix right now (xoxo Gossip Girl… why? … you know why…wink), and so many more other things buzzing around my mind…. This should be fun!
So… here we go!

Photo by Jessica Kettle Photography
- Freaking out! Because one of my favorite designers Studio McGee came to my house last month to film a webisode! I desperately needed help with styling our new built-in shelves we had built last summer. There were just TOO many shelves, and when I thought about getting them styled, my head started to spin! They took away that burden, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I just sit and stare at them ALL DAY LONG! You can take a peek at all the items they used if you hit the Shop > My Home tab above! Be sure to catch the complete webisode on their site here!
- In search of. A totally awesome razor to shave my legs. So I put the cry out over on my Instagram story about how I was searching for a new razor. Here and there I have been sneaking my husbands razor in the shower, shh, don’t tell…. and, I was like, and why can’t I use a men’s razor for my legs? Well.. turns out you all are way smarter than me and have figure that out a long long time ago. Oh man…. I will never go back! Men’s razor’s all the way! The top two recommended by all of you were. 1) The Gillette Fusion Men’s razor, which I have been using and loving! And, 2) The Dollar Shave Club. Sounds like I need to look into that option for some great deals on a razor subscription service. Husband and I can share, right?
- No longer a Lululemon Virgin. Ok, there. I said it…. Will I be kicked out of the social media/ blogging world for this? Maybe. But, yes. Up until a month ago, I had never owned a Lululemon piece. I … Know. I just couldn’t fork over that much money for just one thing… until now.. ha! I was lucky enough to attend the amazing Lululemon Free to Move event that my friend Simple Sadie Jane helped host. It was such an amazing day, and before the event, we got to get fitted for an entire new Lululemon outfit, including their just released Enlite Sports bra! Imagine my surprise! It was like Christmas! No joke!
So, yes. Now I fully understand the hype. In fact, I am probably the president of the hype fan club. If I have seen you lately, I have probably told you about my new Lulu Fast and Free crop leggings (it has pockets!) and, the Enlite Bra. I now understand why people can spend $98 on a sports bra when a month ago I would have thought you were insane! And, yes. I am now the proud new owner of not one, not two, but yes, three pairs of the Fast and free cropped pants. At least I have three different colors. (can’t stop, won’t stop)
- Reading. Ok, well, listening I should say. I am a huge Audible fan (You can Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks
here), and I like to download books for when I am working out. I have been listening to a few heavy books lately, like World War II stuff, and I just needed a little something light and easy that didn’t require too much attention as I was simultaneously trying to listen to my workout instructor. Well, Audible suggested a new Sophie Kinsella book. Oh my gosh! At one time I had read all of her Shopaholic series (should I really be admitting this) way back in the day, and thought.. well why not? I ended up buying, My Not So Perfect Life. And, well. I really liked it. It was just what I needed as a little distraction from my workout, but nothing too heavy. So, Chick Lit lives on people. 😉
- Thinking about what to watch next on Netflix (besides Gossip Girl). Did you hear that Anne with and “E” is back? And on Netflix as a new Netflix Original? What? I mean, I am not sure anyone can replace Megan Follows as Anne of Green Gables, but I am officially intrigued. Have you been watching? I will report back….
The kids have also been loving A Series of Unfortunate Events, we can’t wait for the next season! What have you been watching? Do tell!Photo by Jessica Kettle Photography
- I’m getting old. For reals. So as I am about to turn 36, you guess it. Skincare has been on my mind. Like a lot. I recently tried something called a “Vampire Facial” (PRP Microneedling) from Form Med Spa in Salt Lake City. So wild! But, also wow! My skin has felt amazing ever since. I talked about it more on this Instagram post. But, I have really felt a different in my skin! I am also trying out their new Form RX skincare line. I have just started this week, so I will report back how things are going. I am not a big multi-step skin care person, as in I just started washing my face at night regularly in the last year (yes, 35 years of skipping out on that, oops!) I have really been trying to get the hang of it. (so not baby steps here) But, you’ll do anything when you start aging, so I am dedicated here. I’m even using little cotton balls for toner and everything. So, you know I am giving it my all! And, so far so good!
- I can’t stop buying fresh flowers to keep in my house. I can’t help but want to keep fresh blooms in the house these days. With summer arriving, I have loved having a bit of the outdoors inside! Give me allllllll the fresh flowers! The Bouqs Co sent me over the most adorable arrangement of Ranunculus this week. Swoon! I fell head over heels in love with Ranunculus in France when I was young. And, get this. They deliver Farm fresh flowers straight to your door! All their arrangements are beautiful, and make the perfect gift! They gave me a coupon code to pass along if you are in need of a bouquet! You can get a 20% discount off your order when you use the code: XOCAROLINE at checkout! Pretty sweet deal! Head over to www.bouqs.com to order your farm fresh bouquet, and don’t forget Father’s Day is coming up!
- Worrying about what to pack for Europe for me and the kids. Husband, he is on his own. Four people is plenty to worry about packing for. I think I have come up with some good options. I finally found some long enough (wink) Bermuda shorts that I think I’m going to be wearing over and over all summer. And, hopefully some comfortable shoe options. I also snagged some really cute summer clothes for my kids at the Memorial Day Janie and Jack sale. The little girl stuff for Norah. Stop! Sooo darling! (Be sure to scroll through!)
Well, as you can see, I could go on and on and on! But, I will spare you, and be sure to save some for next week!
So, meet me back here next Friday. I’ll have a lot of other goodies to share, and I’m sure a whole lot of randomness.
Happy Weekend!