Back to school time is here, and I just love the tradition that Stephanie of Nie Nie dialogues has of having a back to school feast with a family theme for the year.
I realized that I never got around to sharing our Back to School feast we did a few years back on the blog. This year with moving and all that, we haven’t gotten around to it, but I hope to continue to do it and make it a tradition!
I was able to pull all of the items out of my party box (yes, I know.. official hoaxer status) So, it was pretty low key pulling everything together from things I already had.
I picked up some fresh flowers from the store, and the children chose the menu of their favorite things to eat.
My kids love salmon, so we served salmon with fresh lemons, garlic herb bread, fresh corn on the cob with shallot herb butter, and rosemary parmesan potatoes.
The grand finale was my homemade fresh peach cream pie. Seriously, during peach season, I live for this pie. It’s just beyond amazing I must say.
Our family theme for the year was “Go & Do.” Which is from the scripture 1 Nephi 3:7
I think a slice of lemon through the straw was a fun little touch!
Dipped wooden cutlery tutorial here.
Then, we were able to sit down as a family, discuss the upcoming theme and school year and asked each of them what they wanted to learn that year, and what we expected from them that year. Their dad was able to give them each a Father’s priesthood blessing for the school year to comfort them, and it was off to a great start!
I just love traditions, so I hope to keep this one alive! I think traditions are so important! I think they make people feel secure and have something to look forward too! I hope to create many more family traditions with my little family in the future!
What are some of your favorite family traditions?
{all photos by me}